
Upplands väsby

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Upplands väsby: Number of shootings per month

Matris: Antal skjutningar per månad i Upplands väsby

Historical trend for Upplands väsby: Monthly number of shootings on average

Line chart, monthly number of shootings in municipality, 12 months rolling average The shart shows the monthly average shooting count for each month with a 12 months lookback window. In other words, the first datapoint (January 2019) is the monthly average of shootings during the period February 2018 up to January 2019. The primary data source is, up until the fall of 2021, the compilation of shootings in Sweden from SVT Datajournalistik. From the fall of 2021 an onwards, the primary data source is InCharts own data collection, consisting of event notifications from the police authority, police reports and articles from various news sources.

List, Upplands väsby: All shootings, incl. unconfirmed, in 2024 (0)